About the Drafts

My 1986 descriptive bibliography of Vladimir Nabokov is dated and inaccurate. With these PDFs, I am offering draft pages of what will become the revised (second) edition of the work. I welcome your comments, criticisms, corrections, and additions. For instance, please let me know: Is the layout clear and efficient? Are the fonts readable? Is there other information you would want?

I am starting off with the A-items, separate publications, entirely or principally by Nabokov. I am here reusing most of the A-item numbers from the 1986 edition. But be aware that some have changed or many more will before I’m done.

Over the years, many of Nabokov’s works have been republished in compilations that don’t mirror their original issues. So Mashen’ka, for instance, has appeared 14 times as a stand-alone A-item in its original Russian and Nabokov’s own English translation. But it has also appeared some dozen other times in compilation with others of his novels and stories in Russian. These are not A-items but, what I have dubbed, L-items and will appear in their own section here and in the final version of the revised bibliography. The index and cross-references will allow you to track down all appearances of Mashen’ka in book form.

I apologize for slapping the “DRAFT” watermark on every page. It does affect readability some. But I want to be sure that no one takes these pages as definitive. Also, the photos do not scale up very well in PDF and their colors are inaccurate, sometimes wildly so. I am working on those problems.

For composition and some publication information, I refer to Brian Boyd’s Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years (Princeton UP, 1990) as VNTRY and Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years (Princeton UP, 1991) as VNTAY. Also, The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov (edited by Vladimir E. Alexandrov, Garland, 1995) as GCVN; Sarah Funke’s Véra’s Butterflies (Glenn Horowitz, 1999) as VB; В.В. Набоков: Библиографический указатель произведении и литературы о нем, опубликованных в России и государствах бывшего СССР (1920-2006) [V.V. Nabokov: Bibliographic index of the works and literature about him, published in Russia and the former Soviet Union (1920-2006)] (Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006) as BU2006; Vladimir Nabokov: Selected Letters, 1940–1977 (edited by  Dmitri Nabokov and Matthew J. Bruccoli, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989) as VNSL; and, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter (1978–1984), later The Nabokovian (1984–) , as N plus the issue number (e.g., N27 is The Nabokovian, issue number 27).

I will add drafts of new pages as I complete them (in no particular order). That means a fascicle every week or so. You can view and print the PDFs, but not change them.

A-Items — Separate Publications Entirely or Principally by Nabokov

Drafts by Date
Drafts by Item
Drafts by Title

D-Items — Translations of A-Items by Other Than Nabokov

Drafts by Date
Drafts by Language


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