New Draft Pages: The Song of Igor’s Campaign

A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Nabokov’s translation, with a foreword, commentary, and other apparatus, of the Old Russian epic, Slovo o polku Igoreve, or, The Song of Igor’s Campaign. The translation was first published in 1960 in wrappers by Vintage Books. It is A34 in the 1986 bibliography.


  1. James’s avatar

    That’s what I meant actually… thanks


  2. James’s avatar

    Re. A34.2 – is the wrapper always a little small for the book size?


    1. Michael Juliar’s avatar

      I’ve never noticed that the dust jacket is small for the binding. You may have a dj that wasn’t trimmed correctly. In fact, my own copy has a dj that appears to have been designed for a slightly wider book. For instance, the text on the back cover of the dj wraps around a bit to the back flap.



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