New Draft Pages: Laughter in the Dark

And a new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Камера обскура [Kamera obskura/Laughter in the Dark], Nabokov’s sixth novel in Russian, published by Sovremennye Zapiski and Parabola in 1933. Nabokov translated it into English (Bobbs-Merrill, 1938) after being quite dissatisfied with Winifred Roy’s English translation issued by John Long in 1936. It is A14 in the 1986 bibliography.

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  1. James’s avatar

    Thanks Michael. Barring a lottery win, I think the dustjacket is beyond my means….


  2. James’s avatar

    This is somewhat off-topic as it is a D-item but what is your best guess nowadays as to how many copies of the Long ‘Camera’ are in circulation? I know that you only found 7 or so up to 1986 but I imagine quite a few more have appeared in the internet age.


    1. Michael Juliar’s avatar

      Since I haven’t tracked offerings and sales of the John Long CO I have no real idea how many copies are around. But my feeling is that they can be counted in the dozens. The real trick is finding one with an intact dust jacket. Now that’s a handful at most.



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