New Draft Pages: Podvig / Glory

Making headway with the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Подвиг [Podvig / Glory] was Nabokov’s fifth novel in Russian. He wrote it in 1930 and the book was published in book form towards the end of 1932 by Sovremennye Zapiski. Excerpts had previously appeared eight times in various émigré newspapers in 1931 and 1932 and in its entirety in the literary journal Современные записки [Sovremennye zapiski / Contemporary annals] in 1931. The English translation, Glory, was the last of his novels that Nabokov translated. He said that the Russian title, “Podvig”, translates literally as “gallant feat” or “high deed”. But for the English language version, he preferred the evocative “Glory”. It was published by McGraw-Hill in 1971. It is A13 in the 1986 bibliography.

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  1. James’s avatar

    There also seems to be an additional variant of the book club issue (A13.2) with no blind stamping on the back cover.


    1. admin’s avatar

      Does the new apparent variant match up with all of the points of the book club editions in every other way (copyright page, dj front flap, dj back panel)?


      1. James’s avatar

        I have taken the liberty of emailing you scans as I am no expert, but yes it seems to be a bookclub variant in these other respects:
        1) the back cover of the wrapper has 0175 rather than the ISBN and the front cover has no price information (and is not clipped).
        2) The book has no “First Printing” (or, indeed, “Second Printing”) to the Copyright page.
        However, the back board has no stamping at all and therefore doesn’t seem to be either of your noted variants.


        1. admin’s avatar

          Yup. It looks like it is exactly what you say. Good book, good pix, good find. I’ll incorporate it into my description of A13.2 as variant c. Thanks for taking the effort to let me know. That’s one thing this blog is for. Now I have to find a copy just like yours for myself.


          1. James’s avatar

            You’re welcome.
            I’m not a completist so you can have mine for the cost of the postage if you wish – just drop me an email. It’s got some foxing, and the boards are rather bowed, but if you only want it for bibliographic purposes, then perhaps that is not a problem for you…?


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