Large Nabokov Collection for Sale

Thomas A. Goldwasser Rare Books in San Francisco is offering 268 Nabokov lots from the collection of Lester W. Traub. As the catalog says

The Traub collection, put together over a forty-year span, includes both Russian and English first editions, contributions to books and periodicals from Nabokov’s years in Europe and America, many other significant editions, including translations into a variety of languages. There are working manuscripts for two interviews, and substantial correspondence, the majority dealing with writing and publishing.

Interesting provenances and presentation copies include books from Nabokov’s own library, gifts to Véra, books inscribed to scholars, publishers and other friends, review copies from the libraries of Graham Greene, V.S. Pritchett, John Updike and others.

The catalogue is arranged as follows, allowing for a few inconsistencies:

Manuscripts, letters, documents, Nos. 1-9

Books by Nabokov, including translations of his works and some adaptations and movie memorabilia, Nos. 10-232.

Books with contributions, 233-242

Periodicals with contributions, 243-253

Miscellaneous, 254 – end

There remains unlisted more paperback editions, and volumes of criticism or scholarship, please inquire if interested. 

A pdf of the catalog is here.

Goldwasser can be reached at

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