The Ardis Publications of VN

Over the years I’ve received queries from people asking about the VN books issued by Ardis, the small Russian-oriented press founded by Carl and Ellendea Proffer in Ann Arbor, MI in 1971. Ardis began issuing VN books in 1974. (In its semi-incarnation today under Overlook Press, it keeps a modest number of them in print. Actually I see only one, The Song of Igor’s CampaignWikipedia has a piece on the press. Or you can go to its website.)

Ardis published 20 different VN titles, most in Russian, from 1971 to 1992. In my list here, only the last four publications, in the series “Collected Works”, had dust jackets, as noted:

Alice in Wonderland
Аня в стране чудес
. New American edition.
First printing, issue a, 1982. Trade wrappers in Russian (905 copies).
First printing, issue b, 1982. Trade hardcover in Russian (100 copies).

. First American edition.
First printing, variant a, 1974. Trade hardcover in Russian (500 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1974. Trade wrappers in Russian (1000 copies).
First printing, variant c, 1974. Trade wrappers in Russian (smaller format).

King, Queen, Knave
Король, дама, валет
. New American edition.
First printing, variant a, 1979. Trade hardcover in Russian (100 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1979. Trade wrappers in Russian (1000 copies).

The Defense
Защита Лужина
. First American edition.
First printing, variant a, 1979. Trade hardcover in Russian (100 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1979. Trade wrappers in Russian (1200 copies).

The Return of Chorb
Возвращение Чорба
. First American edition, (Собрание рассказов и повестй, Том 1).
First printing, variant a, 1976. Trade hardcover in Russian (200 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1976. Trade wrappers in Russian (1000 copies).
Second printing, 1983. Trade wrappers in Russian (1000 copies).

The Eye
. First American edition.
First printing, variant a, 1978. Trade hardcover in Russian (150 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1978. Trade wrappers in Russian (1350 copies).

. First American edition.
First printing, variant a, 1974. Trade hardcover in Russian (500 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1974. Trade wrappers in Russian (2000 copies).
First printing, date unknown. Trade wrappers in Russian (smaller format).

Laughter in the Dark
Камера обскура
. First American edition.
First printing, variant a, 1978. Trade hardcover in Russian (200 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1978. Trade wrappers in Russian.

. First American edition.
First printing, variant a, 1978. Trade hardcover in Russian (200 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1978. Trade wrappers in Russian (1300 copies).

Invitation to a Beheading
Приглашение на казнь
. First American edition.
First printing, variant a, 1979. Trade hardcover in Russian (100 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1979. Trade wrappers in Russian (1200 copies).
Second printing, 1984. Trade wrappers in Russian (700 copies).

The Gift
. First American corrected edition.
First printing, variant a, 1975. Trade hardcover in Russian (1000 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1975. Trade wrappers in Russian.
Second printing, 1979. Trade wrappers in Russian.
Third printing, 1983. Trade wrappers in Russian (1000 copies).

Speak, Memory
Другие берега
. New translated and revised edition.
First printing, variant a, 1978. Trade hardcover in Russian (150 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1978. Trade wrappers in Russian (1350 copies).
Second printing, 1982. Trade wrappers in Russian (700 copies).

. New American translated edition.
First printing, variant a, 1976. Trade hardcover in Russian (100 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1976. Trade wrappers in Russian (100 copies).
Second printing, date unknown. Trade wrappers in Russian.
Third printing, 1979. Trade wrappers in Russian (2000 copies).

Spring in Fialta
Весна в Фяльте
. New American edition, (Собрание рассказов и повестей, 3).
First printing, variant a, 1978. Trade hardcover in Russian.
First printing, variant b, 1978. Trade wrappers in Russian.
Second printing, 1984. Trade wrappers in Russian (1000 copies).

A Hero of Our Time. New American wrappers edition.
First printing, 1988. Trade wrappers in English.
New edition, first printing, 2002. Trade wrappers in English.

The Song of Igor’s Campaign. New American wrappers edition.
First printing, 1988. Trade wrappers in English.
New edition, first printing, 2003. Trade wrappers in English.

Poems (1979)
. First edition.
First printing, variant a, 1979. Trade hardcover in Russian (200 copies).
First printing, variant b, 1979. Trade wrappers in Russian (1000 copies).

Correspondence with His Sister
Переписка с сестрой
. First edition.
First printing, variant a, 1985. Trade wrappers in Russian.
First printing, variant b, 1985. Trade hardcover in Russian.

Collected Works: I (Mary, King, Queen, Knave)
Собрание сочинений: I
. First edition.
First printing, 1987. Trade hardcover with dj in Russian.

Collected Works: III (The Eye, 12 stories, The Enchanter)
Собрание сочинений: III. First edition.
First printing, 1992. Trade hardcover with dj in Russian (252 copies).

Collected Works: VI (The Gift)
Собрание сочинений: VI
. New American corrected edition.
First printing, issue a, 1989. Trade hardcover with tan dj in Russian.
First printing, issue b, 1989. Trade hardcover with imitation parchment dj in Russian.

Collected Works: X (Lolita)
Собрание сочинений: X
. New American translated edition.
First printing, 1987. Trade hardcover with dj in Russian.


  1. megan’s avatar

    I have a perfect copy of Lolita that states
    “Ardis edition 1976”
    It has a bright pink exterior.
    Is this the same book as mentioned in the 100 copies ?
    Thank you kindly for your help – Megan


    1. Michael Juliar’s avatar

      If your copy is in wrappers (a paperback), then it is the first printing, variant b. Only 100 copies of each of the hardbound and softbound variants of that first printing were issued in 1976. Can you send me a photo of it?


    2. Vincent McDonough’s avatar

      Didn’t they also publish a collection of VNs Russian plays? Was it part of the Collected Works?


      1. Michael Juliar’s avatar

        I’m not aware that Ardis ever published any of VN’s plays. If you have information I would surely like to hear about it.


      2. Vincent McDonough’s avatar

        Do you have any info on the Ardis editions of Pale Fire and Pnin? I’m curious if they followed their usual practice of publishing a limited number of hardcovers (for libraries), and a larger run of paperbacks.


        1. Michael Juliar’s avatar

          I didn’t include Пнин [Pnin] and Бледныĭ огонь [Blednyĭ ogon’/Pale fire] in my list of Ardis publications because they are translations by others. But to be complete, I really should have. I don’t have that information at hand now. I’ll check it out and post what I do have in a couple of days.


        2. Vincent McDonough’s avatar

          Where there only 100 paperback copies of of the 1976 Lolita? Or is it just missing a zero?


          1. Michael Juliar’s avatar

            Yes, it doesn’t appear to make sense that Ardis issued only 100 copies in each of the two bindings in 1976. But that is the number I have. I’ll try to find Ardis’s response to my original inquiry decades ago and post a correction if I am wrong.



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