Inscribed Lep Offprints for Sale

A long-established Santa Barbara, California, dealer, Ralph Sipper, is offering four of Nabokov’s lepidopterological offprints, each inscribed to a fellow lepidopterist, Don A. Stallings.

The offprints were part of a Nabokov lepidopterological archive sold at Pacific Book Auctions for $15,600 on 7 Feb which I described here on 16 Feb.

Sipper has asked me to post information about the offprints for him. He can be contacted through his web site at

Nabokov, Vladimir. THE NEARCTIC FORMS OF LYCAEIDES HUB. Offprint from Psyche, September 1943. 13 pages. This copy is inscribed by Nabokov to a fellow lepidopteral scientist, Don A. Stallings. At this time Nabokov was working in Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology in the classification of butterflies. Offprints such as this are issued specifically for the author’s use in a small number (usually 25 copies). The text documents Nabokov’s masterly interpretations of his scientific findings. Juliar AA7. Fine. (25109) $2,500.00

Nabokov, Vladimir. NOTES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE GENUS LYCAEIDES. Offprint from Psyche, September 1944. 35 pages. This copy is inscribed by Nabokov to a fellow lepidopterist Don A. Stallings. With two holograph annotations to the text by Nabokov. Offprints such as this are issued specifically for the author’s use in a small number (usually 25 copies). Juliar AA8. Fine. (25110) $3,500.00

Nabokov, Vladimir. NOTES ON NEOTROPICAL PLEBEJINAE. Offprint from Psyche, March 1945. 61 pages. With Nabokov’s printed illustrations of butterfly anatomical features. This copy is inscribed by Nabokov to fellow lepidopterist Don A. Stallings. With two substantive holograph annotations to the text by Nabokov (“Martha has proved to be a third species of Echinargus, beautifully intermediate in genitalia between Isola and Trinidad SP. VN. 1946).”. Juliar AA9. Fine. (25111) $5,000.00

Nabokov, Vladimir. THE NEARCTIC MEMBERS OF THE GENUS LYCAEIDES HUBNER. Offprint from Psyche, February 1949. 62 pages and nine illustrated plates of specimens. This copy is inscribed by Nabokov to a fellow lepidopterist, Don A. Stallings: “With the author’s very best regards at last.” A formidable scientific work issued by Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology. Juliar AA14. Fine. (25112) $3,000.00

  1. Harish Gaonkar’s avatar

    Dear Sir

    He was and is my favourite writer in any language. Since I am also very keen
    practicing lepidopterist, I happen to possess two of his rare items. 1 On Crimean Lepidoptera 2 The Nearctic members of the genus Lycaeides, the latter with dedication to N. D. Riley late Keeper of the Natural History Museum. Would love to know more about them.


    1. admin’s avatar

      Here are some books that may help you:

      Blackwell, Stephen H.; Johnson, Kurt, Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov’s Scientific Art, New Haven, Yale UP, 2016, cl + dj, 978-0-300-19455-5

      Boyd, Brian; Pyle, Robert Michael; Nabokov, Dmitri; eds. & tr., Nabokov’s Butterflies: Unpublished and Uncollected Writings, Boston, Beacon, 2000, cl + dj, 0-8070-8540-5

      Johnson, Kurt and Coates, Steve, Nabokov’s Blues: The Scientific Odyssey of a Literary Genius, New York, McGraw-Hill, nd (2001?), wr, 0-07-137330-6

      Zimmer, Dieter E., A Guide to Nabokov’s Butterflies and Moths, Hamburg, privately printed, 2001, cl & bds, 3-00-007609-3

      Sartori, Michel, ed., Les Papillons de Nabokov, Lausanne, Musée cantonal de Zoologie, 1993, wr, 2-9700051-0-7



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