Item Nr |
Title |
Title Translated |
Draft Date |
A28 |
Lolita |
Лолита [Lolita] |
13-Sep-2013 |
A82 |
Russische Lieder |
Russian Songs |
9-Jul-2013 |
A69 |
Selected Poems |
3-Jul-2013 |
A68 |
The Original of Laura (Dying Is Fun) |
27-Jun-2013 |
A81 |
Poesie |
Poems |
19-Jun-2013 |
A17 |
Дар [Dar] |
The gift |
13-Jun-2013 |
A32 |
Nabokov’s Dozen |
13-Jun-2013 |
A35 |
Pale Fire |
13-Jun-2013 |
A24 |
Bend Sinister |
7-Jun-2013 |
A30 |
Pnin |
7-Jun-2013 |
A21 |
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight |
18-Sep-2013 |
A50 |
Стихи [Stikhi] |
Poems (1979) |
22-May-2013 |
A51 |
Lectures on Literature |
22-May-2013 |
A53 |
Lectures on Russian Literature |
22-May-2013 |
A60 |
Круг [Krug] |
The circle |
22-May-2013 |
A63 |
The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov |
22-May-2013 |
A67 |
Verses and Versions: Three Centuries of Russian Poetry Selected and Translated by Vladimir Nabokov |
22-May-2013 |
A3 |
Альманахъ: Два пути [Al’manakh”: Dva puti] |
Almanac: Two paths |
15-May-2013 |
A4 |
Николка Персикъ [Nikolka Persik”] |
Nikolai the Peach
Colas Breugnon |
15-May-2013 |
A5 |
Гроздь [Grozd’] |
The cluster |
15-May-2013 |
A7 |
Аня въ странѣ чудесъ [Ania v” stranĕ chudes”] |
Anna in wonderland
Alice in Wonderland |
15-May-2013 |
A14 |
Камера обскура [Kamera obskura] |
Camera obscura
Laughter in the Dark |
15-May-2013 |
A15 |
Отчаяние [Otchaianie] |
Despair |
15-May-2013 |
A16 |
Приглашение на казнь [Priglashenie na kazn’] |
Invitation to a beheading |
15-May-2013 |
A54 |
Lectures on Don Quixote |
15-May-2013 |
A64 |
Nabokov’s Butterflies: Unpublished and Uncollected Writings |
15-May-2013 |
A62 |
Собрание сочинений: III [Sobranie sochineniĭ: III] |
Complete works: III |
9-May-2013 |
A61 |
Пьесы [P’esy] |
Plays |
3-May-2013 |
A26 |
Conclusive Evidence / Speak, Memory |
Другие берега [Drugie berega] |
11-Apr-2013 |
A22 |
Nikolai Gogol |
28-Mar-2013 |
A23 |
Three Russian Poets: Selections from Pushkin, Lermontov and Tyutchev |
28-Mar-2013 |
A25 |
Nine Stories |
28-Mar-2013 |
A27 |
Стихотворения: 1929–1951 [Stikhotvoreniia: 1929–1951] |
Poems: 1929–1951 |
28-Mar-2013 |
A29 |
Весна в Фиальте [Vesna v Fial’te] |
Spring in Fialta |
28-Mar-2013 |
A13 |
Подвигъ [Podvig] |
Glory |
22-Mar-2013 |
A19 |
The Waltz Invention |
22-Mar-2013 |
A6 |
Горній путь [Gornïĭ put’] |
The empyrean path |
11-Mar-2013 |
A39 |
Nabokov’s Congeries |
6-Mar-2013 |
A8 |
Машенька [Mashen’ka] |
Mary |
28-Feb-2013 |
A9 |
Король дама валетъ [Korol’ dama valet”] |
King queen knave |
28-Feb-2013 |
A10 |
Защита Лужина [Zashchita Luzhina] |
The Luzhin defense |
28-Feb-2013 |
A11 |
Возвращение Чорба [Vozvrashchenie Chorba] |
The return of Chorb |
28-Feb-2013 |
A12 |
Соглядатай [Sogliadataĭ] |
The eye |
28-Feb-2013 |
A37 |
Eugene Onegin |
20-Feb-2013 |
A48 |
Details of a Sunset and Other Stories |
23-Jan-2013 |
A47 |
Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories |
17-Jan-2013 |
A43 |
A Russian Beauty and Other Stories |
10-Jan-2013 |
A58 |
Рассказы. Приглашение на казнь. Роман. Ессе, интервью, рецензии [Rasskazy. Priglashenie na kazn’. Roman. Esse, interv’iu, retsenzii] |
Stories. Invitation to a beheading. Novel. Essays, interviews, criticism |
2-Jan-2013 |
A42 |
Transparent Things |
23-Dec-2012 |
A31 |
A Hero of Our Time |
19-Dec-2012 |
A40 |
Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle |
19-Dec-2012 |
A55 |
The Man from the USSR and Other Plays |
19-Dec-2012 |
A45 |
Lolita: A Screenplay |
27-Nov-2012 |
A44 |
Strong Opinions |
20-Nov-2012 |
A56 |
Переписка с сестрой [Perepiska s sestroĭ] |
Correspondence with his sister |
8-Nov-2012 |
A36 |
Notes on Prosody |
2-Nov-2012 |
A38 |
Nabokov’s Quartet |
9-Oct-2012 |
A34 |
The Song of Igor’s Campaign |
25-Sep-2012 |
A41 |
Poems and Problems |
25-Sep-2012 |
A46 |
Look at the Harlequins! |
25-Sep-2012 |
A49 |
The Nabokov-Wilson Letters: Correspondence Between Vladimir Nabokov and Edmund Wilson 1940–1971 |
22-Sep-2012 |
A52 |
Lectures on Ulysses |
22-Sep-2012 |
A59 |
Vladimir Nabokov: Selected Letters: 1940-1977 |
18-Sep-2012 |
A33 |
Poems |
24-Jul-2012 |
A2 |
Стихи [Stikhi] |
Poems (1916) |
4-Jul-2012 |
A57 |
Carrousel |
25-May-2012 |
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