New Draft Pages: Invitation to a Beheading

Progressing with the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Приглашение на казнь [[Priglashenie na kazn’/Invitation to a Beheading]] was Nabokov’s penultimate novel in Russian. He temporarily dropped work on Dar and began writing Priglashenie na kazn’ in Berlin in June 1934. He worked very quickly, finishing it by the end of the year. It was serialized in Sovremennye Zapiski from June 1935 to March 1936 (Nos. 58–60) and published in book form by Dom Knigi in Paris in November 1938. The English translation, Invitation to a Beheading, was published by Putnam’s in 1959. It is A16 in the 1986 bibliography.

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