New Draft Pages: Details of a Sunset

Onward and upward to the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Details of a Sunset and Other Stories, “the last raisins and petit-beurre toes from the bottom of the barrel”, as Nabokov called the final collection of stories and the final book published in his lifetime. It was first published in 1976 by McGraw-Hill and went through three further editions. Details of a Sunset and Other Stories was A48 in the 1986 bibliography.


  1. A. Bouazza’s avatar

    It should be noted that McGraw-Hill’s editions of VN went downhill from “Lolita: A Screenplay” onward in terms of quality. “Look at the Harlequins” and “Details of a Sunset”, too, are “perfect bound”, i.e. paperbacks with hardcovers -unfortunately. Needless to say, this condition is duly noted in this bibliography.



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