New Draft Pages: Translations in Bulgarian

The third set of D-item draft pages is translations in Bulgarian. There are 12 editions of 10 translated A-items.

I haven’t been able to confidently translate one of the Bulgarian titles. The title of, the first Bulgarian edition of the first Bulgarian translation of Bend Sinister, is Знак за незаконороденост [Znak za nezakonorodenost]. Does it translate as “Bend sinister”? Or is there a more accurate rendering of the Bulgarian? Can anyone help?

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  1. James’s avatar

    Apparently a literal translation of “Bend Sinister” would be more or less meaningless so the translator has presumably tried another tack…


  2. James’s avatar

    I will ask whether “Bend Sinister” makes any sense in a Bulgarian context…


  3. admin’s avatar

    That still leaves the question begging: Can I translate the title as the heraldic term “Bend sinister” or do I have to stick with the literal “Under the sign of illegitimacy”?


  4. James’s avatar

    Yes, I certainly understood that there was at least a connotation of illegitimacy in the english “Bend Sinister”.


  5. admin’s avatar

    That makes sense. After peering into my little “practical” Bulgarian dictionary, “znak za” appears to mean “sign of” and “nezakonorodenost” appears to be a compound composed of “nezakonen”, meaning “illegal”, and “roden”, meaning “born”. So literally “sign of illegitimate birth” or “bastard”. Several sources say that in heraldry “bend sinister” was often taken to indicate bastardy. Another source says that is a mistaken notion. One early Dutch translation of the novel (see was titled “Bastaards”. A non-Nabokov translation of the English language novel into Russian was titled “Pod znakom nezakonnorozhdennykh” (“Bend sinister”), which I think can be translated literally as “Under the sign of bastards”. There are similar title translation parallels in other languages.


  6. James’s avatar

    I am told (by a Bulgarian friend) that it means “sign of illegitimate birth” or “sign of illegitimacy”.



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