New Draft Pages: Nine Stories

A new set of draft pages: Nine Stories, Nabokov’s first collection of short stories in English published by New Directions in 1947. It is A25 in my 1986 bibliography.

I apologize for how colors are rendered in the photos. Some are slightly off, a few more so. (For instance, the cover of A25.1a is actually black and not blue.) The problem will be corrected.

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  1. Ela Kotkowska’s avatar

    Michael, thank you for answering my query. I will stick with the US edition, but next time I’m in England, I will try to look up the Penguin edition and will certainly report on any differences.


  2. Ela Kotkowska’s avatar

    Thank you for this very useful blog and the updates!

    I wonder if you might know if there is any difference between the British (Penguin) edition of Collected Stories (816pp) and the US (Vintage) edition of The Stories (720pp): i.e., is the different extent merely due to different type face or does the UK edition include different material?


    1. Michael Juliar’s avatar

      The British Penguin edition of Collected Stories that you are referring to at 816 pages was published in 2010 as part of the redesign of all of Penguin’s Nabokov titles. The redesign included new cover art and new typesetting and pagination. Until then, Penguin had simply reproduced the American typesetting. The 2010 Penguin continued a printing number sequence (tenth) and used a continuing ISBN. It included the three additional stories from the later American printings.

      Is there a textual difference between the US Vintage at 720 pages and the new British Penguin? From my brief examination of the two, I see no differences. (Unless some typesetting errors crept in.) If you know or learn of any differences, please let me know.



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