Auction Results from Bonhams & Bloomsbury

The eight lots of Nabokov books that the Bloomsbury auction house in London offered today (see my posting of 13 February) didn’t do very well. Only two sold: a jacketed 1938 Bobbs-Merrill copy of Laughter in the Dark (A14.2) went for £450 ($683) and Stikhotvoreniia 1929–1952 / Poems 1929–1952 (A27.1), inscribed and with a flutter of little butterflies, went for £3800 ($5764). The prices are exclusive of the 24% buyer’s premium.

Also, on 17 February, the Bonhams auction house in San Francisco sold one of two Nabokov lots (see my posting of 18 January), a copy of Gornii put’ / The empyrean path (A6.1) for $1000, including the premium.

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  1. admin’s avatar

    Very punchy, I agree. That’s only three years after it went for £3800 plus the house’s premium. I don’t expect it to make it to the low estimate.


  2. James’s avatar

    The same Stikhotvoreniia 1929–1952 is now being offered at Bonhams New York with a punchy estimate:



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