New Draft Pages – Stikhi (1916)

I’ve posted a new set of draft pages, this time for Nabokov’s first extant book, Стихи [Stikhi/Poems]. See it under The Drafts on the right, along with the draft pages for Машенька [Mashen’ka/Mary].

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  1. Hetenyi Zsuzsa’s avatar

    Mistake in description of Cyrillic title:
    HabAkoB instead NabOkoB
    It would be nice to see the epigraph(s)’ page also


    1. Michael Juliar’s avatar

      If you want to see a photo of the epigraph page, I’ll be happy to shoot one and send you a copy. But it doesn’t fit into my scheme of presentation for an A-item.


    2. Hetenyi Zsuzsa’s avatar

      Mistake in description of Cyrillic title:
      HabAkoB instead NabOkoB


      1. Michael Juliar’s avatar

        Thank you for pointing out the error. I’ve updated the draft.



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