
You are currently browsing articles tagged lepidoptera.

Michael House’s project, Lolita’s Butterfly, a documentary feature film that “explores the scientific work of literary icon Vladimir Nabokov”, has moved into its second stage of fund-raising. You can get details at Indiegogo:


House, an American composer and filmmaker based in Paris, has posted rushes and sample clips on the site. He raised more than $4500 in stage one through Indiegogo and is now trying to raise €3,000 in stage two.

Here’s the vimeo of some of the material:


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Here’s a link to a film-in-work on Nabokov’s entomological pursuits, Lolita’s Butterfly, by Michael House, an American composer and filmmaker based in Paris. It looks promising. But I have one problem with it: I don’t get the title. I hope that becomes clear when I see the completed picture.

Lolita’s Butterfly

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Persisting, we move on to a new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Nabokov’s Butterflies is a collection of 415 butterfly artifacts drawn from the three worlds of Nabokov’s life—the scientific, the artistic, and the personal—and displays them where they met and where they interbred. Included, mostly as excerpts, are memoirs, stories, novels, poems, lepidopterological articles, letters, essays, and drawings. This is also the one place in which all of Nabokov’s scientific works on lepidoptera (most in full) are readily available. The volume did not appear in the 1986 bibliography.

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