
You are currently browsing articles tagged interview.

The Nabokov Online Journal has posted, on this April 23rd, Nabokov’s 117th birthday (or thereabouts if you celebrate it on the 10th or the 22nd), an interview with me about my collecting and bibliographical work, “The Collector’s a Hedgehog, The Dealer’s a Fox”.

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Pressing on to the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Рассказы. Приглашение на казнь. Роман. Ессе, интервью, рецензии [Rasskazy. Priglashenie na kazn’. Roman. Esse, interv’iu, retsenzii / Stories. Invitation to a beheading. Novel. Essays, interviews, criticism], one of the first Nabokov books published in the Soviet Union during Gorbachev’s glasnost period. Included are 32 works that had never before appeared in book form. Issued in 1989 by Moskva Kniga, it appeared after the 1986 bibliography and has no previous A-item number.

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