
You are currently browsing articles tagged English.

Rounding the turn and moving on to the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Selected Poems, a collection of 89 poems Nabokov wrote, beginning in 1914, in Russian (some translated by Nabokov, some by his son Dmitri) and in English. Edited and introduced by Thomas Karshan, it was published by Knopf in the U.S. and Penguin in Britain in 2012. It did not appear in the 1986 bibliography.

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A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Poems, Nabokov’s collection of 14 poems in English, published by Doubleday in 1959. It is A33 in the 1986 bibliography.

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A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Look at the Harlequins!, Nabokov’s final novel, published by McGraw-Hill in 1974. It is A46 in the 1986 bibliography.

Also, I’ve been correcting and updating many of the other draft pages I’d previously posted. Check the posting dates in “The Drafts” page in the right-hand column.

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New draft pages: Carrousel, published in 1987 by Spectatorpers, a private press in the Netherlands. It is a collection of two essays and a poem in English that had originally been written by Nabokov in 1923. It is A57 in the 1991 update to my bibliography.

I am going to be away for several weeks and will suspend my weekly postings until I return. Stay tuned.

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A new set of draft pages: Nine Stories, Nabokov’s first collection of short stories in English published by New Directions in 1947. It is A25 in my 1986 bibliography.

I apologize for how colors are rendered in the photos. Some are slightly off, a few more so. (For instance, the cover of A25.1a is actually black and not blue.) The problem will be corrected.

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