
You are currently browsing articles tagged stories.

Another new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Nabokov’s Quartet, a collection of three Russian stories and one English story, published by Phaedra in New York in 1966. It is A38 in the 1986 bibliography.


New draft pages: Возвращение Чорба [Vozvrashchenie Chorba / The return of Chorb], a collection of 15 stories and 24 poems published by Slovo in Berlin in 1929. It is A11 in the 1986 bibliography.

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A new set of draft pages: Nine Stories, Nabokov’s first collection of short stories in English published by New Directions in 1947. It is A25 in my 1986 bibliography.

I apologize for how colors are rendered in the photos. Some are slightly off, a few more so. (For instance, the cover of A25.1a is actually black and not blue.) The problem will be corrected.

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