new bibliography

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Evgeny Belodubrovsky, the St. Petersburg-based scientist and Nabokov scholar, has asked me to post information about some Nabokov items he was involved in publishing.

Dva puti, 2003, front cover

This is a 2003 semi-facsimile reprint of Nabokov’s second extant book, Dva puti, from 1918. The original is my A3.1; this reprint is A3.2.


Pis'ma by Irina Guadanini, front cover

This is a selection of letters by Irina Guadanini whom Nabokov had an affair with beginning in 1937. I know nothing more about the volume.

For inquiring about getting copies of the books, write to Belodubrovsky in Russian at the Nabokovian email address,

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And a new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Камера обскура [Kamera obskura/Laughter in the Dark], Nabokov’s sixth novel in Russian, published by Sovremennye Zapiski and Parabola in 1933. Nabokov translated it into English (Bobbs-Merrill, 1938) after being quite dissatisfied with Winifred Roy’s English translation issued by John Long in 1936. It is A14 in the 1986 bibliography.

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A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Poems and Problems, a collection of 39 poems in Russian with Nabokov’s English translations, 14 poems in English, 18 chess problems, and solutions to the problems. For a book presenting works that Nabokov wasn’t well-known for, it commands a relatively high price in the rare book market. It was first published in 1971 by McGraw-Hill. It is A41 in the 1986 bibliography.

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A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Vladimir Nabokov: Selected Letters: 1940–1977 was first published in 1989 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. It is a hefty volume of 473 items, almost all letters, of course. Included are some letters written to Nabokov, several pages of photos, and a little endpaper collection of Nabokov’s delightful butterfly inscriptions. It is A59 in the 1986 bibliography.


A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Lectures on Ulysses, a limited edition of Nabokov’s lecture notes in holograph on James Joyce’s novel, was published only once, in 1980, by Bruccoli Clark. It is A52 in the 1986 bibliography.


A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: The Nabokov-Wilson Letters: Correspondence Between Vladimir Nabokov and Edmund Wilson 1940-1971 was first published in 1979 by Harper & Row. In 1980, the publisher issued a partially corrected paperback. And then in 2001, the University of California Press put out a revised and expanded edition as Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya: The Nabokov-Wilson Letters, 1940-1971 with 59 new letters (29 by Nabokov) and multiple corrections, in particular of dates. It is A49 in the 1986 bibliography.


A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Nabokov’s third poetry collection (the first commercially published), Гроздь [Grozd’ / The cluster], issued as a small booklet by Gamaiun in Berlin at the end of 1923. It is A5 in the 1986 bibliography.

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A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Nabokov’s third novel, Защита Лужина [Zashchita Luzhina / The Luzhin Defense], published in wrappers of deep black with gold lettering in Berlin by Slovo in 1930. Nabokov’s translation was issued by G.P. Putnam’s in 1964 under the title, The Defense. It is now more commonly titled The Luzhin Defense. It is A10 in the 1986 bibliography.

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A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Nabokov’s translation, with a foreword, commentary, and other apparatus, of the Old Russian epic, Slovo o polku Igoreve, or, The Song of Igor’s Campaign. The translation was first published in 1960 in wrappers by Vintage Books. It is A34 in the 1986 bibliography.


Since I first posted my draft pages at the end of June for Dmitri and Vladimir Nabokov’s translation and notes for Lermontov’s novel A Hero of Our Time, published in 1958 by Doubleday Anchor Books, I’ve come across new information. With help from Martin Kaaij and Michael Moorey, I can now distinguish at least five variations of the issues with the Edward Gorey cover, ordered here by price.

Variation a (A31.1 first printing and the only one with the “First Edition” line on the copyright page):

  • Front cover: “ANCHOR A 133   95¢ | IN CANADA $1.10”
  • Back cover: title | author | three-paragraph description | “A DOUBLEDAY ANCHOR BOOK”
  • Spine: “ANCHOR | A 133”
  • Title page: “1958” at foot
  • Copyright page: “First Edition” at foot
  • Publisher’s ads: Four unnumbered pages of ads at the back and then two blank pages

Variation b:

  • Front cover: “ANCHOR A 133   95¢”
  • Back cover: title | author | three-paragraph description | “A DOUBLEDAY ANCHOR BOOK”
  • Spine: “ANCHOR | A 133”
  • Title page: Without “1958” at foot
  • Copyright page: Without “First Edition” at foot but with “Anchor Books edition: 1958”
  • Publisher’s ads: Six pages at the back are numbered AN1 to AN6

Variation c:

  • Front cover: “A 133   $1.25”

I picked this variation up from a cover photo on uploaded by a Thomas G. Obrien. I have no further information about it.

Variation d (A31.1 second printing):

  • Front cover: “A 133   $1.45”
  • Back cover: “FICTION” | title | author | three-paragraph description | “A DOUBLEDAY ANCHOR BOOK”
  • Spine: “ANCHOR | A 133”
  • Title page: Without “1958” at foot
  • Copyright page: Without “First Edition” at foot but with “Anchor Books edition: 1958”
  • Publisher’s ads: Six pages at the back numbered 7Aa (with “19 M” below), 7Ba, 10Aa, 10Ba, 13Aa, and 13Ba

Variation e:

  • Front cover: Only “$2.50” across top
  • Back cover: “FICTION” | title | author | three-paragraph description | “A DOUBLEDAY ANCHOR BOOK” | ISBN: 0-385-09344-6 [This ISBN is the same as the current draft’s third printing.]
  • Spine: “ANCHOR”
  • Title page: Without “1958” at foot
  • Copyright page: Without “First Edition” at foot but with “Anchor Books edition: 1958”
  • Publisher’s ads: Six pages at the back numbered 7Ab, 7Bb, 10Ab, 10Bb, 13Ab, and 13Bb

The third printing according to my current draft has different artwork on the cover.

If you have other variations or information about the five I’ve described, I would appreciate hearing from you.

I will post new draft pages as soon as I can sort this out.

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