Pressing on to the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Рассказы. Приглашение на казнь. Роман. Ессе, интервью, рецензии [Rasskazy. Priglashenie na kazn’. Roman. Esse, interv’iu, retsenzii / Stories. Invitation to a beheading. Novel. Essays, interviews, criticism], one of the first Nabokov books published in the Soviet Union during Gorbachev’s glasnost period. Included are 32 works that had never before appeared in book form. Issued in 1989 by Moskva Kniga, it appeared after the 1986 bibliography and has no previous A-item number.
You are currently browsing articles tagged novel.
And so, the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Transparent Things, Nabokov’s short novel of Person, patterns, and pencils. It was first published in 1972 by McGraw-Hill and went through seven further editions. Transparent Things was A42 in the 1986 bibliography.
Tags: novel
We continue with the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle, Nabokov’s long novel of Terra, Antiterra, and the texture of time. It was first published in 1969 by McGraw-Hill and went through eleven further editions. Nabokov’s “Notes to Ada” (by the mysterious Vivian Darkbloom) was first published in the 1970 Penguin wrappers edition. Ada was A40 in the 1986 bibliography.
Tags: novel
And a new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Камера обскура [Kamera obskura/Laughter in the Dark], Nabokov’s sixth novel in Russian, published by Sovremennye Zapiski and Parabola in 1933. Nabokov translated it into English (Bobbs-Merrill, 1938) after being quite dissatisfied with Winifred Roy’s English translation issued by John Long in 1936. It is A14 in the 1986 bibliography.
A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Nabokov’s third novel, Защита Лужина [Zashchita Luzhina / The Luzhin Defense], published in wrappers of deep black with gold lettering in Berlin by Slovo in 1930. Nabokov’s translation was issued by G.P. Putnam’s in 1964 under the title, The Defense. It is now more commonly titled The Luzhin Defense. It is A10 in the 1986 bibliography.
A new set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Look at the Harlequins!, Nabokov’s final novel, published by McGraw-Hill in 1974. It is A46 in the 1986 bibliography.
Also, I’ve been correcting and updating many of the other draft pages I’d previously posted. Check the posting dates in “The Drafts” page in the right-hand column.
New draft pages: Дар [Dar / The Gift], Nabokov’s last novel in Russian. Begun in Berlin in 1933, Dar was not completed until 1938. Four of the five chapters appeared in Sovemmenye Zapiski in 1937-38. The complete novel didn’t appear until its first book incarnation in New York in 1952. The English translation was published in 1963. It is A17 in the 1986 bibliography.
Here are new draft pages: Nabokov’s second novel published in Berlin in 1928 Король, дама, валет [Korol’, dama, valet / King, Queen, Knave] and later translated by Nabokov. It is A9 in my 1986 bibliography.
A highlight of this installment is a list of the corrections made in the 1989 Vintage edition of the English language translation (A9.12).
I’ve posted the first installment of pages from the revised edition of Vladimir Nabokov: A Descriptive Bibliography. It is for all stand-alone issues of Машенька [Mashen’ka/Mary] in the original Russian or Nabokov’s English translation. Compilations that include Mashen’ka/Mary are not included. The link is in the right-hand column under the heading “Drafts of the New Bibliography: The Drafts”. I will continue to post, in no particular order, further pages every week or so.
I hope that the Nabokov community of scholars, dealers, curators, collectors, and readers will then feed back to me their takes on my work: Is it clear and comprehensive? Does it meet their needs? Is something missing? Is it convenient and efficient to use? Is it accurate and complete? I want to hear it all and to use the responses to make the bibliography the most accurate, complete, and up to date it can be.
I will eventually publish it in the old-fashioned way, on paper between covers. And maybe on a CD/DVD. But for now, I want to get it out there, to see it used, and to get it vetted.
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