
You are currently browsing articles tagged translations.

I am working on the first draft pages of D-items, that is, Nabokov books translated by others. Over the next several months I will first post all D-item drafts by the languages in which the translations were done. Later, I will post the same D-items by the A-items from which they were derived, by the countries of publication, and by the dates of publication. Books that are compilations of translations of different Nabokov A-items will be handled separately later as M-items.

D-item entries parallel A-item entries in designation and format. Here is a sample entry for a translation of Mashen’ka into Albanian and published in Albania in 1999.


The key elements are:

  • The general D-item number, D8, paralleling the A-item number, A8, from which it is derived.
  • The general title of the A-item number, Машенька / Mary, the Russian and English titles of the A-item book.
  • The specific D-item number, D8.sq.1.1, a compression of four key pieces of information:
    • the general D-item number, D8;
    • the standard international two-letter code, sq, for the language, here, Albanian. sq is derived from the native name for the language, gjuha shqipe;
    • the translation number, 1, here, the first translation of Mash’enka in Albanian;
    • the edition number of that translation, here, the first edition of the first translation.
  • Under the specific D-item number, additional information: the standard international two-letter code for the country, al and the year of publication, 1995.
  • In the next column, the translation heading, First Albanian translation, referring here to the translation language, Albanian, and not the country.
  • The edition heading, First Albanian edition, referring here to the country in which the translation was published.
  • In parentheses, the publisher, Apollonia.
  • Some information is presented, when possible, in the language’s native orthography (be it Arabic or Chinese, for example): the book title, Nabokov’s name, the translator’s name, and the works in the book, all transliterated and translated.
  • The city of publication is transliterated and/or Americanized. For example, Tirana instead of Tiranë, or Beijing instead of 北京.
  • The publisher name is transliterated when necessary.

In designing this format, I have tried to balance readability with scanability and fullness of information with compression of information. I would like to receive your feedback on the layout.

I would also like to hear from anyone who can help me track down translations in any of the 45 languages into which Nabokov has been translated. For instance, I have been able to track down copies of or information on only five editions in Albanian (with four others scheduled for this year). One is of Mashen’ka and four are of Lolita. I am sure that there are more.


Sprinting on to the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Russische Lieder [Russian Songs], the notes on and translations of a dozen Russian songs sung by Nabokov’s son, Dmitri, on a recording issued by MPS Records in 1974. This item did not appear in the 1986 bibliography.

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Next up for the draft pages of the revised and updated bibliography: Nabokov’s Congeries, a collection of 33 works and excerpts from works, edited by Page Stegner. It was published by The Viking Press in 1968 and then retitled in paperback in 1971 as The Portable Nabokov. Three sets of works appeared here for the first time in book form: the story “Terra Incognita”, the revised translation of eight “Eugene Onegin” stanzas, and the essay “Reply to My Critics”. It is A39 in the 1986 bibliography.

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Making headway with the next set of draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Круг [Krug / The Circle] is a collection of poems, plays, translations, and stories that was issued within the Soviet Union in 1990 shortly before its collapse. It contains 30 works in Russian that had never before been issued in book form. The volume did not appear in the 1986 bibliography.

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More draft pages for the revised and updated bibliography: Another posthumous compilation of Nabokov’s work: Verses and Versions, the 2008 collection of translations of Russian (and a few French) poems by Nabokov, including essays, notes, and some of his own poetry. It was edited by Brian Boyd and Stanislav Shvabrin.

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Here are publications of VN in translation issued in 2008 that I’m aware of. This listing is not complete. As more information comes to light, I’ll post it to the blog. In fact, I would appreciate emails or comments adding to or correcting what I have here.


The Eye

The Eye, Chinese, Yiwen, 2008

The Eye
眼睛 [Yan Jing/Eye], translated by 蒲隆 [Pu Long]. 上海 [Shanghai]: 上海译文 [Yiwen/Shanghai Translation Publishing House], 2008. In wrappers + dj + obi + bookmark. ISBN 978-7-5327-4412-1.

Pnin, Chinese, Cheng Bang, 2008

Pnin, Chinese, Cheng Bang, 2008

普寧 [Puning], translated by 梅紹武 [Mei Shao-wu]. 臺北 [Taipei]: 臉譜 [Cheng Bang], 2008. In wrappers + obi. ISBN 978-986-6739-28-6.
image-na Pale Fire
微暗的火 [A darkened fire], translated by 梅紹武 [Mei Shao-wu]. 上海 [Shanghai]: 上海译文 [Yiwen], 2008. In wrappers. ISBN 978-7-5327-4278-3.

Transparent Things, Chinese, Yiwen, 2008

Transparent Things, Chinese, Yiwen, 2008

Transparent Things
透明 [Tou Ming/Transparent], translated by 陈安全 [Chen Anquan]. 上海 [Shanghai]: 上海译文 [Yiwen], 2008. In wrappers + dj + obi + bookmark. ISBN 978-7-5327-4278-3.

The Enchanter, Chinese, Yiwen, 2008

The Enchanter, Chinese, Yiwen, 2008

The Enchanter [new printing]
魔法师 [Mo Fa Shi/Enchanter/Evil spirit master], translated by 金绍禹 [Jin Shaoyu]. 上海 [Shanghai]: 上海译文 [Yiwen], 2008. In wrappers + dj + obi + bookmark. ISBN 978-7-5327-4398-8.


Lolita, French, Gallimard, 2008

Lolita, French, Gallimard, 2008

Lolita [new printing]
Lolita, translated by Maurice Couturier from the English. Paris: Gallimard, 2008. In series “Folio”, 3532. In wrappers. ISBN 978-2-07-041208-2.


Lolita, Galician, Factoria K, 2008

Lolita, Galician, Factoria K, 2008

Lolita, translated by Xesús Fraga from the English. Vigo, Spain: Faktoría K de Libros, 2008. In series “Narrativa K”, 4. In wrappers. ISBN 978-84-96957-37-4.


Pale Fire, German, Rowohlt, 2008

Pale Fire, German, Rowohlt, 2008

Pale Fire
Fahles Feuer, translated by Dieter E. Zimmer and Uwe Friesel. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 2008. In series “Gesammelte Werke”, 10. In boards + dj. ISBN 3-498-04648-9, 978-3-498-04648-4.


The Defense, Hungarian, Európa, 2008

The Defense, Hungarian, Európa, 2008

The Defense
A Luzsin-védelem [The Luzhin Defense], translated by Horváth Sz. Istvan from the English. Budapest: Európa, 2008. In cloth + dj. ISBN 978-963-07-8458-0.

Pale Fire, Hungarian, Európa, 2008

Pale Fire, Hungarian, Európa, 2008

Pale Fire
Gyér világ [World’s poor], translated by Tótfalusi István from the English. Budapest: Európa, 2008. In cloth + dj. ISBN 978-963-07-8459-7.


A Russian Beauty, Italilan, Adelphi,  2008

A Russian Beauty, Italian, Adelphi, 2008

The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov
Una bellezza Russa e altri racconti [A Russian beauty and other stories], translated by Dmitri Nabokov, Franca Pece, Anna Raffetto, and Ugo Tessitore. Milano: Adelphi, 2008. In series “Biblioteca Adelphi, 520”. In wrappers. ISBN 978-88-459-2215-2.

Romanzi I, Italian, Adelphi, 2008

Romanzi I, Italian, Adelphi, 2008

The Defense, The Eye, The Gift
Romanzi [Novels] (Vol. 1, includes La difesa di Lužin, L’occhio, Il dono), translated by Francesca Salterelli. Milano: Adelphi. In series “La nave Argo”, 2008. ISBN 88-459-2295-2, 978-88-459-2295-4.


The Defense, Japanese, Kawadeshobōshinsha, 2008

The Defense, Japanese, Kawade-shobōshinsha, 2008

The Defense
ディフェンス [Difensu/The defense], translated by 若島正 [Wakashima Tadashi]. 東京 [Tokyo]: 河出書房新社 [Kawadeshobōshinsha], 2008. ISBN 4-309-20499-6, 978-4-309-20499-4.


The Defense, Portuguese, Companhia das Letras, 2008

The Defense, Portuguese, Companhia das Letras, 2008

The Defense
A defesa Lujin [The Luzhin defense], translated by Jorio Dauster. Săo Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008. ISBN 85-359-1152-9, 978-85-359-1152-7.


Invitation to a Beheading, Romanian, Polirom, 2008

Invitation to a Beheading, Romanian, Polirom, 2008

Invitation to a Beheading
Invitaţie la eşafod [Invitation to the scaffold], translated by Livia Cortorcea from the Russian. Iaşi: Polirom, 2008. In series “Seria de autor Vladimir Nabokov, opere 4”. In cloth + dj. ISBN 978-973-46-1156-0.

Speak, Memory, Romanian, Polirom, 2008

Speak, Memory, Romanian, Polirom, 2008

Speak, Memory
Vorbeşte memorie o autobiografie rescrisă [Speak memory an autobiography rewritten], translated by Sanda Aronescu from the English. Iaşi: Polirom, 2008. In series “Seria de autor Vladimir Nabokov, opere 3”. In cloth + dj. ISBN 978-973-46-1616-0.

Lolita, Romanian, Polirom, 2008

Lolita, Romanian, Polirom, 2008

Lolita, translated by Horia-Florian Popescu. Iaşi: Polirom, 2008. In series “Seria de autor Vladimir Nabokov, opere 1”. In cloth + dj. ISBN 978-973-46-1134-8.

Ada, Romanian, Polirom, 2008

Ada, Romanian, Polirom, 2008

Ada sau ardoarea: O cronică familie [Ada or ardor: A family chronicle]. Translated by Horia-Florian Popescu from the English. Iaşi: Polirom, 2008. In series “Seria de autor Vladimir Nabokov, opere 2”. In cloth + dj. ISBN 978-973-46-1133-1.


The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, Russian, Azbuka-Klassika, 2008

The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, Russian, Azbuka-Klassika, 2008

The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
Истинная жизнь Себастьяна Найта [Istinnaia zhizn’ Sebast’iana Naita], translated by Геннадий Барабтарло [Gennadii Barabtarlo] from the English. Санкт-Петербург [Sankt-Peterburg]: Забука-классика [Azbuka-klassika], 2008. In pictorial boards. ISBN 978-5-91181-864-7.


Look at the Harlequins!, Spanish, Catedra, 2008

Look at the Harlequins!, Spanish, Cátedra, 2008

Look at the Harlequins!
¡Mira los arlequines!, translated by Enrique Pezzoni from the English. Madrid: Cátedra, 2008. In series “Letras Universales”, 321. In wrappers. ISBN 84-376-2512-2, 978-84-376-2512-6.

Novels 1962-1974, Spanish, Galaxia Gutenberg and Círculo de Lectores, 2008

Novels 1962-1974, Spanish, Galaxia Gutenberg and Círculo de Lectores, 2008

Pale Fire, Ada, Transparent Things, Look at the Harlequins!
Novelas (1962-1974) [Novels (1962-1974)] (includes Pálido fuego, Ada o el ardor, Cosas transparentes, ¡Mira los arlequines!), translated by Aurora Bernárdez, David Molinet, Jordi Fibla, and Enrique Pezzoni from the English. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg and Círculo de Lectores, 2008. In series “Opera mundi; Obras Completas”, IV. In cloth + dj + slipcase. ISBN 978-84-8109-1589-2 (GG), 978-84-672-1592-2 (CL); series ISBN 978-84-8109-570-8 (GG), 978-84-672-573-9 (CL).


Lolita, Ukrainian, Folio, 2008, 978-966-03-4127-2

Lolita, Ukrainian, Folio, 2008, 978-966-03-4127-2

Лоліта [Lolita], translated by Петр Таращук [Petr Tarščuk] from the Russian. Харків [Kharkiv]: Фоліо [Folio], 2008. In series “Библіотека світової літератури [Biblioteka svitovoji literatury/Library of world literature]”. In cloth. ISBN 978-966-03-4127-2.

Lolita, Ukrainian, Folio, 2008, 978-966-03-4128-9

Lolita, Ukrainian, Folio, 2008, 978-966-03-4128-9

Лоліта [Lolita], translated by Петр Таращук [Petr Tarščuk] from the Russian. Харків [Kharkiv]: Фоліо [Folio], 2008. In series “Библіотека світової літератури [Biblioteka svitovoji literatury/Library of world literature]”. In pictorial boards. ISBN 978-966-03-4128-9.

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At the request of a reader, I’m adding two other Ardis publications to my list from 14 April. I didn’t include them originally because they are not directly works by VN but translations by others.

Пнин. First Russian translation by Genadii Barabtarlo with the participation of Véra Nabokov.
First printing, issue a, 1983. Trade wrappers in Russian.
First printing, issue b, 1983. Trade hardcover in Russian.

Pale Fire
Бледный огонь
. First Russian translation by Véra Nabokov.
First printing, issue a, 1983. Trade wrappers in Russian.
First printing, issue b, 1983. Trade hardcover in Russian.

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Exactly what is, to use the popular locution, the “first edition” of Lolita in Spanish? Or, more precisely, who issued the first Spanish translation, when was that, and in what form did it appear?

There are three candidates, each published in 1959:

  • An authorized translation by Enrique Tejedor, issued by Victoria Ocampo’s Sur in Buenos Aires.
  • An unauthorized issue by Diana in Montevideo.
  • An unauthorized issue by Azteca in Mexico, D.F. (Mexico City).

Let’s deal with the latter two first. I got those citations originally from Dieter E. Zimmer’s Vladimir Nabokov: Bibliographie des Gesamtwerks (Rowohlt, 1963, revised 1964). Andrew Field’s notoriously inaccurate and oddly organized Nabokov: A Bibliography (McGraw-Hill, 1973) also has them, probably picked up from Zimmer. I can find no other citations nor copies of the books in dealers’ hands or on libraries’ shelves. Until further evidence is turned up, I am here going to make the totally unsupported but logical assumption that the publishers, Diana and Azteca,  did not commission their translations but simply stole Tejedor’s when they saw that a quick and easy peso could be turned by publishing the very hot novel themselves. That is, they pirated the translation.

Lolita, Sur, 1959
Lolita, Sur, 1959

I know nothing about Victoria Ocampo other than what Wikipedia tells me. The key information in the article is that “she was founder (1931) and publisher of the Argentine magazine Sur, the most important literary magazine of its time in Latin America.” Her roster of writers is very impressive (Borges, Sabato, Bioy Caesares, Cortázar, Ortega y Gasset, and so on). Her publishing Lolita, therefore, is not surprising.

Sur issued Lolita three times in wrappers in 1959, each with the same cover. The colophons of the books show they were printed on 24 April, 29 May, and 10 June. I know that the 29 May printing also had a paper-over-boards binding. So, when you see a dealer offering a Spanish “first edition” of Lolita, be sure to first check the colophon. It should read, “la presente edición | se terminó de imprimir | el día 24 de abril de 1959 | en Talleres Gráficos Torfano | castro barros 130, | buenos aires, | argentina”.

Lolita, Sur, 1961

Lolita, Sur, 1961

It was reissued in wrappers (different cover and slightly smaller format) in 1961 as number 18 in the series “Novelas”. That edition has the statement at the bottom of the front flap, “Prohibida su venta en el municipio de Buenos Aires.” Oddly, I have no evidence that Lolita was printed in Spanish between 1961 and its next issue in 1970 by the Mexican press Grijalbo.

So, in summary, this is what we’ve got for the first publications of Lolita in Spanish:

  • Printed 24 April 1959, published by Sur in Buenos Aires, in wrappers, translated by Enrique Tejedor [examined].
  • Printed 29 May 1959, published by Sur in Buenos Aires, in pictorial boards, translated by Enrique Tejedor [examined].
  • Printed 29 May 1959, published by Sur in Buenos Aires, in wrappers, translated by Enrique Tejedor [examined].
  • Printed 10 June 1959, published by Sur in Buenos Aires, in wrappers, translated by Enrique Tejedor [examined].
  • Issued in 1959, published by Diana in Montevideo, probably pirated, translator unknown but probably Tejedor [not examined].
  • Issued in 1959, published by Azteca in Mexico City, probably pirated, translator unknown but probably Tejedor [not examined].
  • Printed 17 May 1961, published by Sur, in series “Novelas”, number 18, in wrappers, translated by Enrique Tejedor [examined].
  • Unknown printing date, published by Sur, in series “Novelas”, number 18, unknown binding, possible “enc.” edition, translated by Enrique Tejedor [not examined].
  • Printed 30 March 1970, published by Grijalbo in Barcelona, in wrappers, translated by Enrique Tejedor [examined].

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Again with help from Andrey Nickolayenko and this time from Tatiana Ponomareva, director of the Nabokov Museum in St. Petersburg, I’ve received further information about the Ukrainian Lolita. It was translated from the Russian by Peter Taraschuk and published in Kharkov by Folio in 2008 in a run of 1250 copies. It may not be an authorized edition. More is at

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With the kind and quick help of Andrey Nickolayenko and Tamriko Kvachadze, I’ve learned a bit more about my Georgian copy of Lolita (see my 18 March posting). It was translated from the Russian by Tamar Lomidze and published by Logos in Tbilisi, Georgia in 2002. It includes the three addenda that should be part of all Russian editions and translations from the Russian: VN’s original English afterword, his Russian postscript, and his Russian list of foreign terminology in the novel.

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